Sunday, August 31, 2008
Hey everybody! I just made a flickr account. so It would be really cool, if anybody else could join and be my friend. That would be nice.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
hola everyone!!! Sorry I haven't posted in FOREVER!! I have had soooooo much homework for school! it's seriously insane. Anyway, school I going pretty good...... Well I just went to a wedding of my cousin Erin and her new husband Mark. Here are some pictures....

So yeah.... also, there was a pretty rainbow the other day, I took a pic!!!
So yeah.... also, there was a pretty rainbow the other day, I took a pic!!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
i just went to school to get my teachers and schedule. i have Mrs. Rowe for homeroom. i don't remember what other teachers i have when, but, yeah..... so.........Im bored. Again.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
4th of july!!!!!!!
hey! I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! I sure did! I went over to my neighbors house and started lighting off fireworks!!! And did TONS of sparklers. They were really nice. HAHA!!! My dad looks really creepy in that picture!!!
And sorry I'm talking about the 4th of July sooo late, I just haven't had the time to post anything. Anyway, Right now, I'm really bored. So.....tell me how your 4th of July went!!! bye :)
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
We actually got back from camping Sunday, but i haven't really got around to posting anything lately..... Anyway, camping was totally fun! We helped make a beautiful garden in the shape of a ying yang. And found out my little brother (Victor) is an AMAZING hula Hooper! He was soooo great. but on the down side I got ticks (ugh) and TONS, i mean TONS of bug bites. All over my arms, Really, right now i'm trying to not scratch them, but they're SSSSSOOOOOOOO itchy! :(
p.S. Aly if your reading this we have missed you soooo much! We really have to get together when you come home. :) Ciao
p.S. Aly if your reading this we have missed you soooo much! We really have to get together when you come home. :) Ciao
Friday, June 27, 2008
VBS is over
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Right now Im doing a VBS at my church. I teach rising 2nd graders. Really we just lead them around to places. It's a pretty fun job......Anyway, i also "teach" with these two other girls that are going into 9th grade. They are really nice. The kids are all pretty crazy, REALLY crazy. Anyway, it ends Friday, so I will post pictures then. Bye!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Michigan trip!
Monday, June 9, 2008
sick :(
Hey you guys. I have been sick lately. But on the bright side i go 2 Michigan on Wednesday!!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
New Camera!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Hot day @ camp.....
Hey everybody! I just finished my very first day of that soccer camp I was talking about earlier. One word, HOT! First, we learned a few tricks. Then, we played games like sharks and Minnows and things like that. Last, We played games on small teams, We won all of our games except one. It was tiering but VERY fun. Now we have 3 more days of it....
Sunday, June 1, 2008
To see our NEW movie, Larry Potter, you can either go to my sister, Talia's blog. She has it posted, or you can view it by going here......
+Soccer Camp+
Hey guys! On Tuesday I'm going to go to a Vanderbilt Soccer camp! I'm really excited. I'm also going with a good Friend of mine, Haley. We are going to have SOOO much fun. I will tell you about it on Tuesday!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
The Picataggio's boat
Yesterday My neighbor, Laura, took me on their boat. It was a TON of fun! Anyways, we went tubing. That was also really fun. Laura (a.k.a Pablo) and I rode by ourselves. We were basically screaming the whole time! Then we rode with Her sister Valerie, first Laura fell off, then Val. So A lot of people know when I get laughing, there's no stopping me. Anyway, I laughed sooooo hard, I fell BACKWARDS off the tube! It was hilarious! But the bad part is today I am extremely sore...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Coach Glover at the mall?
Hey everyone, not much is happening lately. Most of all my friends are out of town or are leaving. Oh and guess who Aly and I saw at the mall today? COACH GLOVER! He looked exactly the same as usual too! The black shirt, jeans, under-armor hat, dark sunglasses even when your inside, the whole get-up! Don't you guys think its kinda strange to see your teachers other places than school? I'm not really sure.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
New movie!!!
Hey! Hows everybody's summer going so far? Me and my sister Talia are making a new movie called Larry Potter. It is going to be amazing so I want you guys to see it when we're finished!!!! Thanks!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
*****SUMMER *****(Finally)

YAY! Yesterday was the first full day of summer! I am officially a 7th grader! Most of the time so far, I have been hanging out with my friends at their pools and stuff. It has been very fun. Anyway.........I am also going to a soccer camp this June at Vanderbilt. So this summer is gonna be great!
P.S To see my bottle rocket launch go 2 the Scarpelli's blog. It was amazing, probably the best in the class.........just watch it if you want a laugh.
Monday, May 12, 2008
hey Y'ALL
Hey Y'ALL! sorry I haven't posted anything in FOREVER! Oh and about the y'all thing, the people here all want me to start saying y'all. (Ashley and Haley) It is NOT working out for me. So, all you guys in Michigan, I still can't say ya'll. And I will try to post stuff more often!
P.S. And Congrats Haley about you and Spencer. I hope Y'ALL are reading this.
P.S. And Congrats Haley about you and Spencer. I hope Y'ALL are reading this.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Upcoming events!
My band concert is coming up in a week. I can't believe it, so close!! Also my Play is going to be May 1 & 2. I am very excited, I have a small part and the least amount of lines, but still proud to be a part. :)
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Today it snowed A TON!! I went sledding with some of my friends, that was really fun! Anyway, it is mostly melted up now. But, It was TONS of fun while it lasted!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Hey everyone i just wanted to let you know that I tried out for the play at my school and just today I found out I made it!!!! I am VERY excited! Also I have a band concert that we are going to play later in the spring. I'm not really looking forward to this one song that i have to play the snare drum on it is SO HARD! I guess that means a ton of practicing. Anyway no one said band was going to be easy, and boy were they RIGHT.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
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